
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                           «If the option of future knowledge were available to man, he would have to know all of it to make a proper decision, but to know all of the future, man would have to be God, whiche is not. Hence, the need for faith. Ever since St. Augustine explicated the meaning of the Incarnation, we know that time has a direction and a purpose and that the name of that purpose as well as the force which makes that purpose happen is Logos. We know that man´s free will allows him to negate that purpose, but no wicked human act, no matter how heinous, not even killing the Logos Incarnate, can thwart God´s plan. As the Crucifixion shows, even deicide, the ultimate wicked act, became the occasion wihch propelled Logos forward in human history, not because it was evil but because God can take that evil and the freedom that enabled it and